Please feel free to contact the team if you have any other questions

  • Where to we get a licence key to setup the software?

    Email Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. with your pool name and the team will provide you with a licence key.
  • How can I tell which bay a particular wristband is dock in?

    If you click any band on the screen, a blue light on the corresponding wristband will turn on.
  • What address should I use to return hardware to SWIMTAG?

    Click on the Returns button in the Training Centre for your closest returns address.
  • A "Service Expired" message has appeared on the screen. What do we need to do?

    A count down will appear on the screen for 15 days before your service expires. You can see the expiry date of your service at any time by clicking the i button.If the SWIMTAG service at your pool has expired you will be be able to activate any more wristbands. Please contact the SWIMTAG support team for further details on renewing your service.
  • How can we update or get new Operator Account for our pool?

    Any Operator Account with super user privileges can edit and create Operator Account. If you do not know who your super user is or need any help please contact the support team.
  • A band with an arrow has appeared. What does this mean?

    A band with a white arrow means the data is currently downloading to your computer. Please leave this wristband docked until the white arrow disappears.
  • A band with a battery icon is has appeared. What does this mean?

    A white battery icon simply means the wristband is currently recharging and will not be issued to a swimmer. Please leave the wristband on the tower until the battery icon disappears.
  • A band with a white X is has appeared. What does this mean?

    A white X indicates the wristband has been blocked due to a technical fault. An email is automatically sent to your main reception email address with further instructions. If you click the white X you will be able to see if the wristband is in or out of warranty. Please return any blocked bands to use ASAP.
  • How do we change the operator logo on our application?

    The same operator logo is used for your pool across the whole of the SWIMTAG website. Please contact the SWIMTAG support team to make any changes.
  • What is the pin code for our settings?

    To make any changes to the Docking Station settings at your pool please contact the SWIMTAG support team: Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.
  • Where can we order spares for our SWIMTAG system?

    You can order spare from the store page of your operator account. For further info please contact the SWIMTAG support team.
  • The Internet connection icon is red. What do we do?

    This indicates that the Docking Station application cannot contact the SWIMTAG server. Please contact the SWIMTAG support team on the number at the bottom left of the application.
  • The Docking Station USB icon is red. What do we do?

    The USB Cable should be re-connected between the Docking Station and the computer. Both lights on the back of the docking station tower should be lit.
  • The Docking Station power icon is red. What do we do?

    The power cable should be re-connected to the Docking Station and the power supply should be plugged into a mains socket. Please check the main socket is turned on and working. Both lights on the back of the docking station tower should be lit.
  • A message has appeared on the screen stating "The Docking Station is not connected. Please check the power cable and USB cable" what do we do?

    You need to check two things: 1. The USB Cable should be re-connected between the Docking Station and the computer. 2. The power cable should be re-connected to the Docking Station and the power supply should be plugged into a mains socket. Call us on the contact phone number shown on the bottom left of the application if you have any further problems.
  • If the internet is down at our site what can we still use SWIMTAG?

    Yes, if the internet connection is down all the recored swims will be saved locally on your computer and uploaded to our server once the connection has been restored.
  • How do we update the software to the latest version?

    When the application starts it will automatically check if there is an update available. The update will automatically be installed after 11pm. You can manually trigger an update check by clicking the internet test icon at the top of the application.
  • How do we see what version of the SWIMTAG Docking Station software we are running?

    If you click the blue i button at the top of the application the version number will be displayed.
  • How do we see the help guide and training videos?

    Click the blue ? button at the top of the application to open the help page on your website.
  • How do you change the pool size setting?

    Click the blue double arrow button at the top of the application. The current pool size shown on the right of the arrow will update after each click.
  • How do we see which member has activated a wristband?

    If you click the blue history button at the top of the application you will open the Active Wristbands table. Each active wristband will be listed along with the swimmers ID number (use this ID number on your membership system to look up the users name and contact details) and the Date/Time the wristband was activated.
  • How many wristband can we run off one tower?

    You can run up to 30 wristbands on a single tower using the Windows SWIMTAG Docking Station software.
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  info (@)

+47 99778333

Swimtag Nordic AS, Leitevegen 7, 5531.Haugesund, Norge